Barbadian - definitie. Wat is Barbadian
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Wat (wie) is Barbadian - definitie

Barbadian dialect; Barbadian (disambiguation)

·noun A native of Barbados.
II. Barbadian ·adj Of or pertaining to Barbados.
¦ noun a native or inhabitant of Barbados.
¦ adjective relating to Barbados or its people.
Barbadian means belonging or relating to Barbados or its people.
A Barbadian is someone who comes from Barbados.



Barbadian may refer to:

  • anything related to Barbados
  • Barbadians, people from Barbados or of Barbadian descent
    • Afro-Barbadians
    • Barbadian Americans
    • Barbadian Brazilians
    • Barbadian British
    • Barbadian Canadians
    • White Barbadian
  • Culture of Barbados
  • Cuisine of Barbados
  • English in Barbados
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Barbadian
1. Within a year, the Barbadian economy recovered.
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2. 1.7 Barbadian dollars for each US dollar.
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3. And their currency, the Barbadian dollar, was pegged
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4. You need to change the parity from, let's say, 1.7 Barbadian
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Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Barbadian
1. The yacht was unmarked, 6 metres (20ft) long, and when Barbadian coastguard officers boarded it, they made a gruesome find.
2. Relatives of those aboard have been contacting the Barbadian authorities from as far afield as Senegal, Spain and Portugal.
3. No 10 lifted a news blackout on the Blairs‘ holiday location after the premier attended a memorial service on the island on Sunday night for Barbadian war veterans.
4. Number 10 lifted a news blackout on the Blairs‘ holiday location after the premier attended a memorial service on the island last night for Barbadian war veterans.
5. No 10 withdrew its request to keep Mr Blair‘s whereabouts a secret after he attended a memorial service on the island last night for Barbadian war veterans.